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Infiniti Windshield Replacement in Phoenix & Las Vegas Area

Here, at Auto Glass Express, we take auto windshields seriously, that’s why we have partnered with a wide range of original auto glass manufacturers which allows us to have in inventory a high-quality supply of auto glass for repairs and replacements for all of the Infinity models of vehicles. We offer free quotes online utilizing the quoting tool, all you need to do is locate your vehicle, submit the request and one of our customer service associates will call you back as soon as possible. We are also located throughout Arizona for your convenience to stop on by and check us out. We provide an affordable, professional and quick windshield replacement & repair service with our certified, experienced auto glass installers, ready to save you both time and money.

Infiniti brand is the luxury division of the Japanese manufacturer Nissan, head office is located in Hong Kong and started selling in North America in 1989. Infinity models from compact, family-inspired, SUV and sporty, no matter what you’re looking for all are luxury designed.

steering wheel and window

Some of the Recent Infiniti Models That Auto Glass Express Has Serviced

  • Q30- Compact sedan model intricately designed with expressive refined lines elevating the exterior looks to sleek and sporty. Inviting interior with exceptional quality Nappa leather seating. Technology brings you the *park assist, which takes care of parallel and reverses parking with the touch of a button and sensors. Infinity models have been awarded the maximum 5 star safety rating.
  • QX60-SUV, this comfortable, luxurious and practical offers a 2nd and 3rd seating that tilts and slides to provide maximum accessibility. Automatic temperature control and open layout with abundant roominess make it a perfect travel vehicle, add in the 8” headrest monitors with wireless headsets to keep the journey serene.

As a top provider for auto glass and windshield services in Arizona, we have become a one stop source for all your Infiniti windshield needs, repairs or replacements. We are here for you!

Get a New Windshield for Your Vehicle