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Kia Windshield Replacement in Phoenix & Las Vegas Areas

Auto glass Express works will your comprehensive insurance to save you money and time, with a 0 deductible replacement or repair. We have partnered with original auto glass manufacturers bringing to us an inventory of high-end quality glass, saving you time with no waiting in order, our certified installers can get started as soon as you are ready. We offer Free quotes by phone, in person or online, just use our easy quoting tool and submit requests, our friendly associates will give you a call back shortly.

Kia was originally manufactured in South Korea, their plant is currently in Georgia which just produced its one-millionth Kia in the United States.

people replacing windshield on car

Some of the Recent Brands of Kia That We Have Serviced

  • Sportage-SUV/striking design, appealing to the eyes/ultimate in comfort/safety awards, all-wheel-drive/advanced airbag system/innovative technology
  • Sorento- affordable SUV/Bluetooth, to keep you connected safely/automatic/6 speed/rear defogger/fog lamps/turbo engine/smart power liftgate
  • Rio- alloy wheels/uvo services/sedan/2 tone seats/active safety system/sportmatic transmission
    Sedona-luxury seats/dual sunroofs/cargo options/sunshades/anti-pinch doors/heated, ventilated seats/surround-view monitor/smart power liftgate, leaving you hands free/tow package/V6 engine

As a top provider of auto glass and windshield replacement in Arizona, Auto Glass Express is your resource for new windshields and repairs for any Kia model, as we are one of the largest providers of auto glass for Kia vehicles….classic or new, car or truck, we can help you.

Get a New Windshield for Your Vehicle